Professional Energy Therapy


THERA WELLNESS® technology is easily incorporated into any established practice.

We work with different energy therapy wellness and healthcare providers and practices, such as Naturopathic Doctors, Functional Nutritionists, Chiropractors, Physical Therapists, Health Coaches, Acupuncturists, and Psychologists offering modalities most suitable for their practice.

THERA WELLNESS® technology can enhance the effectiveness of any other applied treatment and it can expand the service scope of any natural healing clinic with this complimentary additional modality.

  • Nutritionists
  • Chiropractors
  • Psychologists
  • Acupuncturists
  • Homeopathic Practitioners
  • Alternative Practitioners

THERA® is an effective tool that can help where nutritional supplements alone may have limited impact.

Functional Medicine therapists; Health Coaches

  • Works in conjunction with nutritional supplement protocols to boost efficacy.
  • Helps evaluate the key stress factors that cause imbalances and prioritize amongst them.
  • Reduces the need for expensive and time-consuming tests such as biomarkers and nutritional deficiencies.
  • Streamlines assessment of specific intolerant foods to be eliminated.
  • Expands your practice holistically.
  • Faster, more perceptible results boost client satisfaction and retention.

THERA® is an effective tool that can help where structural corrections alone may have less impact.

  • Works in conjunction with physical manipulation to boost efficacy.
  • Achieve faster tissue regeneration and injury recovery with fewer visits.
  • Helps remove energy blocks in the joints, muscles and tissues, with less manipulation.
  • Balance the body on multiple levels, all in one session.
  • Expands your practice holistically.
  • Faster, more perceptible results boost client satisfaction and retention.
  • Work more effortlessly and get less tired physically.

THERA® is an effective tool that can help where behavioral intervention and reframing, etc. alone may have less impact.

  • Works in conjunction with psychotherapy to boost efficacy.
  • Expands your practice holistically: Faster, more perceivable results boost patient satisfaction and retention.
    Evaluate the key emotional blocks and negative outlooks from the first session.
  • Address negative emotions, unhealthy beliefs, and phobias in an innovative way. Introduce a new paradigm in helping to address anxiety, moodiness and the effects of past trauma.
  • Get better results faster.

THERA® is an effective tool which can help where acupuncture alone may have less impact.

  • Works in conjunction with traditional acupuncture methods to boost efficacy.
  • Expands your practice holistically.
  • Faster, more perceivable results boost patient satisfaction and retention.
  • Helps address food sensitivities and environmental loads.
  • Helps open the organs of elimination to enhance detoxification.
  • Achieve faster tissue regeneration and injury recovery.
  • Balance qi as well as the various energy centers of the body.

THERA® is an effective tool which can help where traditional homeopathic remedies alone may have less impact.

  • Works in conjunction with traditional homeopathic remedies to boost efficacy.
  • Helps identify and address obstacles to therapy.
  • Helps evaluate the right homeopathic remedy and potentiation.
  • Helps minimize initial aggravation of homeopathic therapy.
  • Helps address food sensitivities and environmental loads.
  • Create your own homeopathic remedies from your client’s own self-regulatory information and other native and non-native substances.
  • Improved results boost patient satisfaction and retention.

THERA® will help you deal with your clients’ issues in an innovative holistic manner with quick results.

  • Effective and comprehensive enough to become your most prominent therapy modality.
  • Superior and faster results boosts client satisfaction and retention.
  • Helps to evaluate the key stress factors that cause imbalances and prioritize amongst them.
  • Versatile support tailored to the individual needs of your client.
  • Helps address food sensitivities, nutritional deficiencies and environmental loads.
  • Helps resolve emotional trauma and balance energy centers.

Mind Wellness

Stress Management Emotional Well-being Sleep Support


Body Wellness

Physical Discomfort Environmental & Immune Support, Body Detox


Lose 4 Lbs. a week! A signature holistic wellness weight loss program


Smoking / Vaping Cessation

Smoking, vaping… any other unhealthy habits.

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